This page contains archived copies of the comments system from the old website, whose general usage was discontinued on December 7, 2015 in lieu of the News page. It's archive can be found here.
5/17/2016 SkipperDMudkipz
One of the things I like about this page is looking back on the old work that we've done and seeing how much we've improved...
Welp I haven't improved much. :/
2/24/2016 VCSMaster
ATTENTION! I will be moving all files to a new server soon, since the current one is a total mess!
2/24/2016 SkipperDMudkipz
Brave Souls is now operational! Yay!
12/15/2015 SkipperDMudkipz
For those wondering, I will be releasing all the versions of Brave Souls on this page.
12/7/2015 VCSMaster
More time no see!
Check our News section, we'll be putting the news there instead!
11/29/2015 VCSMaster
Relatively long time no see!
Sorry for the lack of updates recently, but none of us can really find the time to do much relating to the company currently. We may be back on track shortly, if not, I'll give an update notifying you of such.
11/18/2015 Talon657
For the record, I have had many minor setbacks in creating files for the Monster Fighter. (Lost Flashdrive, etc.) So soon I will have plenty of files available!
11/18/2015 VCSMaster
Some people have been added to try and allow a sort of News system.
Please, new web administrators, only edit the News page or post comments on other pages.
11/18/2015 VCSMaster
News system is broken indefinitely!
Some people will be allowed to edit this page.
10/23/2015 VCSMaster
WordEngine has also been delayed.
10/23/2015 VCSMaster
TextEngine 1.5-2.0 has been heavily delayed by other projects at the moment. We will get back on work ASAP if requested, but we have other, bigger plans to work on right now.
10/14/2015 VCSMaster
The pages will be separated into two parts, Downloads and Information soon, as we are trying to get some more organization for the website.
10/14/2015 VCSMaster
There is a serious error in TextEngine 1.42A, which will be fixed ASAP.
10/11/2015 VCSMaster
The new game, Wizard's Quest, will be released on October 31st at latest.
As it is, It seems the Wizard's Quest will take work priority on my end, as it will be a much smaller, more defined game.
10/10/2015 VCSMaster
Now for a choose your adventure game!
10/10/2015 VCSMaster
Well, would you look at that? It seems one of our staff found another bug in TextEngine 1.41A! Looks like I'll have to update it one last time before working on 1.5...
10/10/2015 VCSMaster
ENTROPY has been updated to allow for saving of games!
10/5/2015 VCSMaster
ENTROPY has been publicly released, as well as the earliest stages of TextEngine 1.1B!
10/5/2015 VCSMaster
While we work on ENTROPY, of course!
10/4/2015 VCSMaster
City simulator maybe? TextEngine 2.0 will be the last release for about a month afterwards.
10/1/2015 VCSMaster
IMPORTANT NOTICE!!! All of the TextEngine stuff will be MOVED TO A NEW PAGE! Anything using these links will become broken, beware!
Also, TextEngine 2.0 development has started!
All of the TextEngine stuff has been moved to the dedicated page, but the originals will remain here until further notice.
9/30/2015 VCSMaster
Some new additions were just updated into the page! Check back later when I have more information to update it with...
9/30/2015 VCSMaster
BATCH Write version 1.0 is released!
9/25/2015 VCSMaster
A graphics demonstration has been released (partially)!
9/25/2015 VCSMaster
There will be some new games released, as well as Stream B will start!
9/25/2015 VCSMaster
some minor bugs were fixed, such as not being able to exit the battle sequence after one or the other party dies, and the demonstration was fixed as well.
1.41A will be available in the usual area within the next 8 hours.
9/25/2015 VCSMaster
A Graphics version of TextEngine may be released, as well a Palm OS version!
9/19/2015 VCSMaster
Rework Stream A is now completed! We're still waiting on stream B to begin, however, so work on 1.5-2.0 cannot begin until that has been completed as well!
9/17/2015 VCSMaster
TextEngine rework stream A is almost complete, only maybe a week before it's completion!
9/16/2015 VCSMaster
My build of the TextEngine rework (version A) is now available in a fully complete and mostly functional version!
9/15/2015 VCSMaster
My build of the TextEngine rework (version A) is now available in an extremely incomplete and unstable form, but at least I've got something to show!
9/15/2015 VCSMaster
We've added a new page to the website! Check out the 'Other Companies' page to see what companies we are currently connected to!
9/15/2015 VCSMaster
Our first finished product! TextEngine 1.0 is now available to the public, and we're already working on updating it!
The best part is that it's free and easy to use!
9/15/2015 VCSMaster
Hello! The TextEngine 1.0 download will be put in it's rightful place in the downloads section as soon as possible! Continue to check back for more updates!
9/15/2015 VCSMaster
Download TE.ZIP to play the finished version of TextEngine 1.0!
Check back later for the 1.1-1.4 remaking updates as well as extra games and news!
Later on this file will be moved to the main downloads section for ease of access.
9/9/2015 VCSMaster
Well hello there! We're going to go ahead and start wrapping up TextEngine's 1.0 version development, so feel free to check back later this week for the finished program!
9/6/2015 VCSMaster
If you'll notice, I've added a new entry to the programs list. I'm hoping that it'll be pretty impressive when it's done, but who knows...
9/5/2015 VCSMaster
Guess what? UPDATE AGAIN FOR TEXTENGINE! If you didn't notice, it's at 0.9 now, and there will be a public demonstration on 9/8/2015 at CHS!
9/3/2015 VCSMaster
Hey! Look! Listen! We've updated TextEngine if you haven't noticed, to 0.75!